The Inspiration Behind Mt. Millicent Water Resistant Dog Collar

When you love your furry friend as much as we do, you want to give them the best of the best. That's why we are excited to share the story of how the Mt. Millicent collar design was inspired by our very own Milly. Milly, short for Millicent, is our brave and beautiful girl who has been through so much in her young life.

It all started on a typical day when I was headed to the post office. As I was driving, I noticed the most beautiful cotton candy sky sunset with our mountain view. The colors were so vibrant and stunning, and it reminded me of Milly because her color is purple and pink. It was then that we knew Milly was the perfect name for the new collar design and which is one of the top sellers at Wildside. 


Sunset in Utah, driving in Suncrest, Draper Utah. A mountain view with purple and pink


We love the mountains and wanted a name that reflected our love for this beautiful place. Milly was the perfect name because it was also the name of the lift at Brighton Resort where we used to snowboard at all the time. 

water resistant rust proof dog collar with pink and purple mountains

Milly is a strong and resilient pup. When she was a puppy, she was diagnosed with really bad hip dysplasia. Our vet recommended that she get her surgeries before she was fully grown. We had to get two separate hip surgeries, and both times she was ready to walk out the door after picking her up from the vet. Now, she's a dog with 16 pins in her hips, but that doesn't stop her drive for dock diving and swimming. It's her favorite thing in the world, oh and she also actually competes too! They have their own Instagram if you are interested in following for silly videos of them @the_golden_bunch_

Despite her toughness and a little bit of sass.  She's a sweet girl who just wants to be by our side all the time. We are so honored to have a collar named after her. The Mt. Millicent collar is a testament to Milly's strength and courage. It's made with high-quality materials and is water-resistant, so it's perfect for all water adventures.

We are excited to share the story of Milly and how she inspired the Mt. Millicent collar design. It's a reminder to all of us that our furry friends are more than just pets, they are family. We hope that the Mt. Millicent collar will bring as much joy and happiness to your pup as Milly has brought to our lives.

Here are a few photos of Milly on her 6th birthday!

golden retriever dog eating dog birthday cake in pink and purple mountain dog collar

Milly was in mid sass, she was barking and licking the cake at the same time lol. We love using The Bear and the Rat Cake mix.


a cake on a pink stand for dogs to eat, a box of cake mix for dogs

I will admit, I am horrible when it comes to decorating any cake. Thankfully, the cake mix was easy enough for me to make this cake for Milly. I used greek yogurt as the frosting, I mixed in freeze-dried strawberry powder and blue spirulina for the purple-ish frosting. 

golden retriever eating birthday cake with frosting, decorated with blue and pink mountains

Milly enjoyed her cake so much she did not want to share it with the rest of the pups. I don't blame her! 

Do you make anything special for your dog's special day? Tell me in the comments below what you make them! 



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1 comment

Sometimes we do pup cakes but I totally dropped the ball for my poor Knox this year we celebrate the addoptoversary date of our pups 🥰

Tiffany McLaughlin

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